Captain's Caribbean Calendar - APRIL
10/Apr/2016 20:04
Steve's boat, Jackson, has been getting a major "refit". He showed up the other day and we joined him for his first dive since going back in the water. Thanks Steven Simonsen, looking forward to many more!!!!
Captain's Caribbean Calendar - APRIL
24/Apr/2015 20:49

It's always fun when Julie joins in for the diving. This week was extra special...Diving with Dad!
Captain's Caribbean Calendar - JUNE
10/Jun/2014 19:18

Great family SCUBA dive on the Wreck of the RMS Rhone!
Coming out of the swim through in the shallow section by the rudder and propellor.
Captain's Caribbean Calendar - MARCH
31/Mar/2014 13:02

Captain always enjoys taking new families on McGregor out for their first SCUBA adventure!
In March, all four of our charter groups gave diving a try. The beautiful calm weather made for excellent diving conditions and wonderful memories!!
Captain's Caribbean Calendar - JANUARY
31/Jan/2014 16:01

For years, we have gone round and round about wether or not to buy a dive compressor. This week, one of our friends had a brand new one for sale, and when opportunity knocks… That now brings up an interesting question:
- Was the Captain really just taking tanks to be filled on shore, or was it just a reason to take the guests and visit the numerous beach bars conveniently located next to the dive shops???